(source code)


MP3 manager for the Rhythmbox media player. The manager executes tasks defined by task configuration written in Pyxis format (an XML analog). See example/manage-mp3/doc/tasks for configuration examples.

See the class hierarchy with RBOX_MANAGEMENT_TASK as it's root.


el_rhythmbox -manager -config <task-configuration>

The -manager switch is needed to select a sub application from the main application. See class APPLICATION_ROOT.


Use this application at your own risk and note the following points:

The developer does not assume any responsibility for loss of music data or a corrupted Rhythmbox database.


The MP3 manager is designed to work in conjunction with GNOME compatible desktop launchers and the GNOME terminal. Manager tasks are defined by task configuration files. Dragging a task configuration file onto the launcher executes the task. When it is finished it waits for user input. You can either type quit and <enter> to quit, or else you can use the file manager to drag and drop another task file onto the terminal window and hit <enter>. This new task is then executed and so on.


Download the executable el_rhythmbox from Strip off the version number by renaming the file and then copy it into /usr/local/bin directory. Or alternatively you can create a symbolic link to the versioned file name using the following commands:

cd /usr/local/bin
sudo ln -f -s el_rhythmbox-<VERSION> el_rhythmbox

<VERSION> represents the version number.

Make sure the following command line tools are installed on your system: avconv, lame, gvfs-mount, sox, swgen.

Now create a desktop launcher by right clicking on your desktop. Edit the desktop launcher using gedit to the following:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Manage Rhythmbox MP3 collection
Name=Music Collection
Exec=gnome-terminal --command="el_rhythmbox -manager -logging -config %f" --geometry 140x50+100+100
                                                                                     --title="Rhythmbox Music"

Silent tracks

To use a particular playlist publishing feature you need to create 3 silent MP3 tracks of 1, 2 and 3 second durations and add them to your music collection. You can use the swgen and lame command line tools to do this. It is important to set the genre name for each to be Silence.


It is necessary to close the Rhythmbox media player while using this application because they share the same database. An error message will be presented if you try to run a task with the player still open.


This application has been mainly tested on Linux Mint 17 using Rhythmbox ver. 3.0.2. Mint 17 uses the same source repositories as Ubuntu 14.04.


If a task prompts you for a song file path, you can drag and drop a file using the nautilus file manager on to the GNOME terminal window. Then hit <enter>. You can also use this method to execute a new task after the current one has finished by dragging a task configuration file.


To faciliate syncing with external devices, this application over-writes the MusicBrainz track id with a unique audio signature.


Define the tasks you wish to perform on your collection. Use the examples provided in manage-mp3/doc/tasks to help you understand how they work. Note that the tabbed indentation is very important when editing these files. Just like in Python programming, if the indentation is not exactly correct the file will not parse correctly.

Note that in the examples shown below the document declaration lines have been omitted for clarity.

   version = 1.0; encoding = "UTF-8"

task = add_album_art

Automatically adds album art to MP3 files which do not have any album art. The album art is supplied from an album art directory containing two folders name 'Artist' and 'Album'. To add new album art, find a picture of the artist or album cover on the web. Edit the image to be exactly square shaped and save it one of these directories in jpeg format.

This task will scan the collections for songs having an artist or album name that matches a jpeg name. Songs that already have album art will not be touched.

task = collate_songs

Collate songs into a directory structure according to song tags:

<genre>/<artist-name>/<song-title>.<unique id>.mp3

task = import_videos

Import videos in various formats as MP3 files automatically adding ID3 tags according to folder location. Recognized extensions are: flv, m4a, m4v, mp4, mov. Includes facility for mapping video segments to individual MP3 files.

Place videos in your Music folder using the folder naming convention Music/<genre>/<artist>. The location of the video will be used to fill in ID3 tag info for genre and artist. When prompted for information hit <enter> for the default. The default artist is the parent directory.

This task is able to split a video into several songs by prompting you to input an onset and offset time. Enter times using the format mm:ss[.xxx]. Hitting enter without entering anything uses a default value. The default onset is the beginning of the video. The default offset is the end of the video.

If recording year is unknown, enter 0. If you have already entered an album name for the same video you can enter " (for ditto) to use the last one.

task = replace_songs

Use this task to remove a duplicate song from your collection without affecting your playlists. You will be prompted to drag and drop a song you wish to remove and then for a song to replace it with in your playlists. Songs will also be replaced in all DJ event playlists found in folder $HOME/Music/Playlists

task = print_comments

Display all ID3 tag comments

task = replace_cortina_set

This task is intended for use by tango DJs to create a set of tango cortinas to act as breaks between tandas (a set of dance songs).

During operation you will be prompted to drag and drop a song to use for the cortina. The entire song will be divided up into fixed length cortinas with a fade-in and fade-out and placed in the directory:


The cortina titles will be named so they can be use to indicate the genre of the tanda following. The artist and album information will be added to the cortinas. Note that you can only ever have one Cortina set. If you run the operation a second time, the previous cortina set is replaced with a new one.

The frequency of genre titles assumes you wish to construct tandas using the Buenos Aires format of genre alternation. A leading letter serves to make all titles unique. The titles are padded with underscore characters to make the cortinas clearly visible in playlists.

For example:

A. TANGO tanda_________
B. TANGO tanda_________
A. MILONGA tanda_______
C. TANGO tanda_________
D. TANGO tanda_________
A. VALS tanda__________

A typical task configuration will look like this:

   task = replace_cortina_set; is_dry_run = False

      fade_in = 2.0; fade_out = 3.0; clip_duration = 30
         tango_count = 20; tangos_per_vals = 4

Note that tango_count must be evenly divisible by tangos_per_vals. The number tango_count / tangos_per_vals is the number of Vals and Milonga cortinas that will be generated. There will also be an extra set of cortinas titled: <X>. OTHER tanda that can be used to precede a tanda of songs that does not belong to any of the traditional tango genres.

task = delete_comments

Delete all ID3 tag comments except for the Rhythmbox 'c0' comment. (Gets rid of iTune identifiers etc.)

task = remove_all_ufids

Remove all UFID fields from ID3 tags

task = update_DJ_playlists

Save all playlists in Pyxis format in the $HOME/Music/Playlists directory adding some DJ event information: title, venue and DJ name. This extra information is used for the task publish_dj_events. These playlists also function as a playlist archive. If you delete the playlist from Rhythmbox, a copy will still exist in the Playlists folder.

A typical DJ event playlist will look like this when you have finished editing it.

   version = 1.0; encoding = "UTF-8"
   title = "DATS Milonga Playlist"; date = "4/10/2011"; start_time = "21:35"
   venue = "The Belvedere Hotel"; DJ_name = "Finnian Reilly"; ignore = false
            "Cortina/John Wilfahrt/A. TANGO tanda _______________.mp3"
            "Tango/Adolfo Carabelli/Cuatro Palábras.01.mp3"
            "Tango/Adolfo Carabelli/Felicia.02.mp3"

task = publish_dj_events

Publish all DJ event playlists saved with the update_dj_events task to a website using a Evolicity HTML template.

The event playlists can be edited to change the title, venue, DJ name and milonga start time. Any songs that were not played during the milonga can be ommitted from publication by placing an 'X' at the beginning of the path name. The milonga participents can look up a song from the time that they heard it played.

See here for a template example.

A typical task configuration will look like this:

   task = publish_dj_events; is_dry_run = False
         html_template = "playlist.html.evol"; html_index_template = "playlist-index.html.evol"
         www_dir = "$HOME/dev/web-sites/"; upload = True
            url = ""; user_home = "/public/www"; destination_dir = "dancing-DJ"

And here are some playlists published using this configuration:

task = normalize_comments

Rename ID3 tag comment description 'Comment' as 'c0'. This is an antidote to a bug in Rhythmbox version 2.97 where editions to 'c0' command are saved as 'Comment' and are no longer visible on reload.

task = archive_songs

Archive songs placed in a special playlist "Archive" by moving them into an archive music folder and removing them from Rhythmbox.

A typical task configuration will look like this:

   task = archive_songs; is_dry_run = False

      "$HOME/Music Extra"

task = display_incomplete_id3_info

Display songs with incomplete TXXX ID3 tags (User defined text).

task = update_comments_with_album_artists

Replace 'c0' comment with album-artist info

task = export_music_to_device

Synchronize all (or selected genres) of music with connected device. For older devices that are unable to recognize ID3 version 2.4 tags, you can export songs as version 2.3 using the 'id3_version' attribute.

A typical task configuration will look like this:

   task = export_music_to_device; is_dry_run = False

      name = "NOKIA-300"; destination = "Music"; id3_version = 2.3
      type = "Nokia phone"
      root = "E:"; subdirectory_name = "playlists"


task = export_playlists_to_device

Export all playlists and associated MP3 to external device. For older devices that are unable to recognize ID3 version 2.4 tags, you can export songs as version 2.3 using the 'id3_version' attribute.

A typical task configuration will look like this:

   task = export_playlists_to_device; is_dry_run = False

      name = "NOKIA-300"; destination = "Music"; id3_version = 2.3
      type = "Nokia phone"
      root = "E:"; subdirectory_name = "playlists"

If there is insufficient pause at the end of the song, there is a trick you can use to automatically play a short silent track immediately after the song to compensate. This is done by setting the beats-per-minute field to the number of extra seconds of silent pause you would like to have at the end of the song. This must be a whole number between 1 and 3. You can easily set this in Rhythmbox by opening the song properties. For this feature to work you will need to have installed some silent intervals in your collection. See Silent tracks in the installation notes on how to set them up correctly.

task = display_music_brainz_info

Display MusicBrainz info for any songs that have it.

task = update_comments_with_album_artists

Append field "album-artist" into main 'c0' comment.

	description: "[
		MP3 manager for the Rhythmbox media player. The manager executes tasks defined by task configuration
		written in [ Pyxis format] (an XML analog).
		[ example/manage-mp3/doc/tasks]
		for configuration examples.
		See the class hierarchy with ${RBOX_MANAGEMENT_TASK} as it's root.
			el_rhythmbox -manager -config <task-configuration>
		The `-manager' switch is needed to select a sub application from the main application.
	warning: "[
		Use this application at your own risk and note the following points:
		* It directly changes the contents of the Rhythmbox song database and edits the ID3 tags in MP3 files.
		* To facilitate syncing it will over-write the MusicBrainz track id with a unique audio signature.
		* It assumes your entire collection is in MP3 format. It won't work with other song formats.
		The developer does not assume any responsibility for loss of music data or a corrupted Rhythmbox database.
	instructions: "See end of page"

	author: "Finnian Reilly"
	copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001-2022 Finnian Reilly"
	contact: "finnian at eiffel hyphen loop dot com"

	license: "MIT license (See:"
	date: "2024-01-20 19:25:24 GMT (Saturday 20th January 2024)"
	revision: "37"


			Option_name, Visible_types

			User_config_dir as Rhythmbox_user_config_dir


feature {NONE} -- Implementation

	argument_specs: ARRAY [EL_COMMAND_ARGUMENT]
			Result := << config_argument ("Task configuration file") >>

	default_make: PROCEDURE [like command]
			Result := agent {like command}.make (create {FILE_PATH})

	log_filter_set: EL_LOG_FILTER_SET [
		like Current,
			create Result.make

	options_list: ARRAY [STRING]
			Result := << Standard_option.silent, Standard_option.config, File_placeholder >>

	visible_types: TUPLE [M3U_PLAYLIST_READER]
			create Result

feature {NONE} -- Installer constants

			create {EL_MENU_DESKTOP_ENVIRONMENT_IMP} Result.make (Current)
			Result.set_command_line_options (options_list)

	Desktop_launcher: EL_DESKTOP_MENU_ITEM
			Result := new_launcher (Launcher_relative_icon_path)

	Desktop_menu_path: ARRAY [EL_DESKTOP_MENU_ITEM]
			Result := << new_category ("Sound & Video") >>

	Launcher_relative_icon_path: FILE_PATH
			Result := "MP3-manager.png"

feature {NONE} -- Constants

	Option_name: STRING
			Result := "manager"

	instructions: "[
		The MP3 manager is designed to work in conjunction with GNOME compatible desktop launchers and the GNOME terminal.
		Manager tasks are defined by task configuration files. Dragging a task configuration file onto the launcher executes the task.
		When it is finished it waits for user input. You can either type `quit' and `<enter>' to quit, or else you can use the file
		manager to drag and drop another task file onto the terminal window and hit `<enter>'. This new task is then executed and so on.


		Download the executable `el_rhythmbox'
		from []
		Strip off the version number by renaming the file and then copy it into `/usr/local/bin' directory. Or alternatively
		you can create a symbolic link to the versioned file name using the following commands:
			cd /usr/local/bin
			sudo ln -f -s el_rhythmbox-<VERSION> el_rhythmbox
		`<VERSION>' represents the version number.

		Make sure the following command line tools are installed on your system: `avconv, lame, gvfs-mount, sox, swgen'.

		Now create a desktop launcher by right clicking on your desktop. Edit the desktop launcher using gedit to the following:

			[Desktop Entry]
			Comment=Manage Rhythmbox MP3 collection
			Name=Music Collection
			Exec=gnome-terminal --command="el_rhythmbox -manager -logging -config %f" --geometry 140x50+100+100 --title="Rhythmbox Music"

		**Silent tracks**
		To use a particular playlist publishing feature you need to create 3 silent MP3 tracks of 1, 2 and 3
		second durations and add them to your music collection. You can use the `swgen' and `lame' command line
		tools to do this. It is important to set the genre name for each to be `Silence'.

		It is necessary to close the Rhythmbox media player while using this application because they share
		the same database. An error message will be presented if you try to run a task with the player still open.

		This application has been mainly tested on Linux Mint 17 using Rhythmbox ver. 3.0.2. Mint 17 uses the same source
		repositories as Ubuntu 14.04.


		If a task prompts you for a song file path, you can drag and drop a file using the ''nautilus'' file manager on to the
		GNOME terminal window. Then hit `<enter>'. You can also use this method to execute a new task after the current one has
		finished by dragging a task configuration file.


		To faciliate syncing with external devices, this application over-writes the MusicBrainz track id
		with a unique audio signature.


		Define the tasks you wish to perform on your collection. Use the examples provided in
		[ manage-mp3/doc/tasks]
		to help you understand how they work. Note that the tabbed indentation is very important when editing these
		files. Just like in Python programming, if the indentation is not exactly correct the file will not parse

		Note that in the examples shown below the document declaration lines have been omitted for clarity.
				version = 1.0; encoding = "UTF-8"

		`**task = add_album_art**'

		Automatically adds album art to MP3 files which do not have any album art. The album art is supplied
		from an album art directory containing two folders name 'Artist' and 'Album'. To add new album art,
		find a picture of the artist or album cover on the web. Edit the image to be exactly square shaped
		and save it one of these directories in jpeg format.

		This task will scan the collections for songs having an artist or album name that matches a jpeg name.
		Songs that already have album art will not be touched.

		`**task = collate_songs**'

		Collate songs into a directory structure according to song tags:

			<genre>/<artist-name>/<song-title>.<unique id>.mp3

		`**task = import_videos**'

		Import videos in various formats as MP3 files automatically adding ID3 tags according to folder location.
		Recognized extensions are: flv, m4a, m4v, mp4, mov. Includes facility for mapping video segments to individual
		MP3 files.

		Place videos in your Music folder using the folder naming convention `Music/<genre>/<artist>'.
		The location of the video will be used to fill in ID3 tag info for genre and artist.
		When prompted for information	hit `<enter>' for the default. The default artist is the parent directory.

		This task is able to split a video into several songs by prompting you to input an onset and offset time.
		Enter times using the format mm:ss[.xxx]. Hitting enter without entering anything uses a default value.
		The default ''onset'' is the beginning of the video. The default ''offset'' is the end of the video.

		If recording year is unknown, enter 0. If you have already entered an album name for the same video you
		can enter `"' (for ditto) to use the last one.

		`**task = replace_songs**'

		Use this task to remove a duplicate song from your collection without affecting your playlists.
		You will be prompted to drag and drop a song you wish to remove and then for a song to replace it
		with in your playlists. Songs will also be replaced in all DJ event playlists found in folder

		`**task = print_comments**'

		Display all ID3 tag comments

		`**task = replace_cortina_set**'

		This task is intended for use by tango DJs to create a set of
		[ tango cortinas] to act as breaks between
		tandas (a set of dance songs).

		During operation you will be prompted to drag and drop a song to use for the cortina.
		The entire song will be divided up into fixed length cortinas with a fade-in and fade-out and
		placed in the directory:

		The cortina titles will be named so they can be use to indicate the genre of the tanda following.
		The artist and album information will be added to the cortinas. Note that you can only ever have
		one Cortina set. If you run the operation a second time, the previous cortina set is replaced with
		a new one.

		The frequency of genre titles assumes you wish to construct tandas using the Buenos Aires format
		of genre alternation. A leading letter serves to make all titles unique. The titles are padded with
		underscore characters to make the cortinas clearly visible in playlists.

		For example:
			A. TANGO tanda_________
			B. TANGO tanda_________
			A. MILONGA tanda_______
			C. TANGO tanda_________
			D. TANGO tanda_________
			A. VALS tanda__________

		A typical task configuration will look like this:
				task = replace_cortina_set; is_dry_run = False

					fade_in = 2.0; fade_out = 3.0; clip_duration = 30
						tango_count = 20; tangos_per_vals = 4
		Note that `tango_count' must be evenly divisible by `tangos_per_vals'. The number `tango_count / tangos_per_vals'
		is the number of Vals and Milonga cortinas that will be generated. There will also be an extra set of cortinas
		titled: `<X>. OTHER tanda' that can be used to precede a tanda of songs that does not belong to any of the traditional
		tango genres.

		`**task = delete_comments**'

		Delete all ID3 tag comments except for the Rhythmbox 'c0' comment. (Gets rid of iTune identifiers etc.)

		`**task = remove_all_ufids**'

		Remove all UFID fields from ID3 tags

		`**task = update_DJ_playlists**'

		Save all playlists in Pyxis format in the `$HOME/Music/Playlists' directory adding some
		DJ event information: title, venue and DJ name. This extra information is used for the task
		''publish_dj_events''. These playlists also function as a playlist archive. If you delete
		the playlist from Rhythmbox, a copy will still exist in the Playlists folder.

		A typical DJ event playlist will look like this when you have finished editing it.

				version = 1.0; encoding = "UTF-8"
				title = "DATS Milonga Playlist"; date = "4/10/2011"; start_time = "21:35"
				venue = "The Belvedere Hotel"; DJ_name = "Finnian Reilly"; ignore = false
							"Cortina/John Wilfahrt/A. TANGO tanda _______________.mp3"
							"Tango/Adolfo Carabelli/Cuatro Palábras.01.mp3"
							"Tango/Adolfo Carabelli/Felicia.02.mp3"

		`**task = publish_dj_events**'

		Publish all DJ event playlists saved with the ''update_dj_events'' task to a website using a
		[./library/text/template/evolicity/class-index.html Evolicity] HTML template.

		The event playlists can be edited to change the title, venue, DJ name and milonga start time.
		Any songs that were not played during the milonga can be ommitted from publication by placing
		an 'X' at the beginning of the path name. The milonga participents can look up a song from the
		time that they heard it played.

		See [ here] for a template

		A typical task configuration will look like this:

				task = publish_dj_events; is_dry_run = False
						html_template = "playlist.html.evol"; html_index_template = "playlist-index.html.evol"
						www_dir = "$HOME/dev/web-sites/"; upload = True
							url = ""; user_home = "/public/www"; destination_dir = "dancing-DJ"

		And here are some playlists published using this configuration:

		`**task = normalize_comments**'

		Rename ID3 tag comment description 'Comment' as 'c0'. This is an antidote to a bug in Rhythmbox version 2.97
		where editions to 'c0' command are saved as 'Comment' and are no longer visible on reload.

		`**task = archive_songs**'

		Archive songs placed in a special playlist "Archive" by moving them into an archive music folder and removing
		them from Rhythmbox.

		A typical task configuration will look like this:
				task = archive_songs; is_dry_run = False

					"$HOME/Music Extra"

		`**task = display_incomplete_id3_info**'

		Display songs with incomplete [ TXXX ID3] tags (User defined text).

		`**task = update_comments_with_album_artists**'

		Replace 'c0' comment with album-artist info

		`**task = export_music_to_device**'

		Synchronize all (or selected genres) of music with connected device. For older devices that
		are unable to recognize ID3 version 2.4 tags, you can export songs as version 2.3 using the
		'id3_version' attribute.

		A typical task configuration will look like this:
				task = export_music_to_device; is_dry_run = False

					name = "NOKIA-300"; destination = "Music"; id3_version = 2.3
					type = "Nokia phone"
					root = "E:"; subdirectory_name = "playlists"


		`**task = export_playlists_to_device**'

		Export all playlists and associated MP3 to external device. For older devices that
		are unable to recognize ID3 version 2.4 tags, you can export songs as version 2.3 using the
		'id3_version' attribute.

		A typical task configuration will look like this:
				task = export_playlists_to_device; is_dry_run = False

					name = "NOKIA-300"; destination = "Music"; id3_version = 2.3
					type = "Nokia phone"
					root = "E:"; subdirectory_name = "playlists"

		If there is insufficient pause at the end of the song, there is a trick you can use to automatically
		play a short silent track immediately after the song to compensate. This is done by setting the
		beats-per-minute field to the number of extra seconds of silent pause you would like to have at the end of
		the song. This must be a whole number between 1 and 3. You can easily set this in Rhythmbox by opening the
		song properties. For this feature to work you will need to have installed some silent intervals in your
		collection. See ''Silent tracks'' in the installation notes on how to set them up correctly.

		`**task = display_music_brainz_info**'

		Display [ MusicBrainz info] for any songs that have it.

		`**task = update_comments_with_album_artists**'

		Append field "album-artist" into main 'c0' comment.
